Following my brief comments, there are two very interesting and controversial articles that raise many strategic concerns and questions about the Latino evangelical movement’s efforts to pressure President Obama on immigration reform.
It is also troubling to read how one highly respected national evangelical leader apparently is trying to use both sides of the political spectrum to gain political insight and influence.
The passage of immigration reform remains stalled and stagnated, and while we all continue to listen to President Obama’s promises, a significant milestone almost passed unnoticed. Our President has finally reached the regrettable position as President in deporting more than a million undocumented immigrants so far in his term.
According to Reuters, on September 12, the deportation of more than a million undocumented immigrants reached a high point in the Obama Administration. Just imagine, Obama who allegedly supports our efforts for reform has deported 1.06 undocumented immigrants compared to 1.57 in Bush’s two terms as President.
Now I must confess I wrote this blog several weeks ago, but I questioned whether I should send it out because it involves several controversial issues within the Latino evangelical movement. I hesitated to openly criticize a very influential Latino evangelical leader about his apparent endorsement of a very outspoken opponent of immigration reform who essentially has become a thorn in our flesh.
One issue involves the fact that Rev. Samuel Rodriguez in an interview with the Christian Post claimed that if the Republican Party nominated Florida United States Senator Marc Rubio as a Vice Presidential candidate in 2012, it would send a very powerful statement to the Latino evangelical community. I am assuming one statement could be that the GOP is “inclusive,” because they have nominated a Latino for Vice President?
I finally came to the conclusion there was a need to shed light on this controversial endorsement of one of the most anti-immigrant Latino United States Senators in the Senate. Encouraged to run for Vice President by the President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez perhaps has energized Rubio's zeal to crush immigration reform.
Yesterday, another article in the Tucson Citizen by DeeDee Garcia called for a protest at the NHCLC’s National Immigration Summit in Tucson on September 21st. That in itself has created another political dust storm for Rev. Samuel Rodriguez.
According to the Tucson Citizen, the organizers of the protest of the NHCLC Immigration Summit asked for a statement from Rev. Rodriguez regarding his support of Marco Rubio. Instead, when the leader of the protest called the publicist for Rev. Rodriguez, the publicist felt the sinner's prayer was more in order for the protest leader of the Immigration Summit. Then in almost the breath, the publicist allegedly threatened the protesters that 125 lawyers were ready to fight their right to protest the summit. Nothing like denying the First Admentment when the protestors are protesting the views of the NHCLC.
After reading both articles and sensing the inconsistency in whether or not the NHCLC might be rearranging the deck chairs on the slowly sinking efforts by the Obama Administration to support the immigration reform movement or is the NHCLC merely trying to play both sides of the political spectrum for political gain and influence?
In light of the inconsistency of the NHCLC supporting Rubio for higher office or the out of sync strategy for immigration reform, there is no doubt in my mind that Reverend Samuel Rodriguez must immediately recant his support for Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio as a Vice Presidential candidate in the 2012 election.
Senator Rubio is one of the most vicious and hate filled opponents of immigration reform. He literally has been a major obstacle to any open debate in the United States Senate over immigration reform, including the DREAM Act. To propose that Rubio run for Vice President in 2012is encouraging one of the most higly visible opponents of immigration reform to continue his fight against our efforts for immigration reform, from a more visible platform as the Vice President, if the GOP were to gain the White House in 2012.
The real danger about this endorsement is that it will only create more confusion and division and demonstrates very vividly that the Latino evangelical movement is composed of many Spanish-speaking voices representing the cultural and social spectrum of La Raza. While our ethnic nationalities are different, we are often looked upon by mainstream news media as one solid united voice on issues affecting Latino evangelical communities. Yet, the reality is we are many voices attempting to be one voice, and that is where we must tread lightly.
I do not agree with Garcia that because one person may be a Mexican-American, Puerto Rican, Bolivian, or whoever, that we cannot accept the leadership of anyone who is different than our cultural heritage and ethnicity. The dilemma is that when one voice attempts to speak for the many without seeking consensus on controversial and difficult issues, creates doubt and less confidence in the leadership. Rev. Rodriguez's interview with The Christian Post already has created confusion and doubts as to why he would support Rubio as a Vice Presidential candidate. Hopefully, it was not based on his political views, or was it?
What do we gain in promoting the candidacy of Rubio when he has fought very vigorously and aggressively against immigration reform? If Senator Rubio is so opposed to other Spanish-speaking groups gaining a legal foothold in our country, why doesn’t Senator Rubio call for the elimination of the Cuban Adjustment Act that provides amnesty plus one year of federal government entitlements to any Cuban who touches American soil?
It is plain old fashioned political hypocrisy and immoral for Senator Rubio to continue to speak out as an opponent of immigration reform. When do we ask Rubio "to man up" and challenge his double speak on immigration in our country? Calling for Rubio to run as a Vice President candidate in 2012 simply because he is “Latino” is so awkward and disconcerting to many of us who are working to support candidates who reflect our values!
I do not believe whether one is Puerto Rican, Mexican, Cuban, or whatever other Spanish-speaking ethnic group one may represent matters on who takes the lead on immigration reform or any other important issues facing “the Latino community”. What matters is when that leadership begins to believe they are empowered to speak for the many Spanish-speaking monolithic voices on such controversial decisions as indicating that we would support GOP Senator Marco Rubio if he ran as a Vice Presidential candidate in 2012, is plain foolishness.
Please join with me as we ask Rev. Rodriguez to reconsider this awkward endorsement and demand that Rev. Rodriguez recant his support of Senator Marco Rubio as a Vice Presidential candidate in 2012. Continuing to support the oppressive politics of Rubio threatens the unity and purpose of our fight for comprehensive strategies to improve the lives of the poor, the widow, the homeless, and the stranger in our circle of friends. How can supporting Rubio help bring about comprehensive immigration reform or the passage of the DREAM Act?
What must be done immediately is the issuance of a press statement from Rev. Samuel Rodriguez and the Executive Board of the National Hispanic Christan Leadership Conference recanting any support for Marco Rubio. They must make it clear, we can ill afford to make major missteps at this point in the upcoming 2012 elections. There are plenty of angry and bigoted political characters doing their best to destroy our united efforts for immigration reform.
Where are the Emerging Mexican- American evangelical leaders?
by DeeDee Garcia on Aug. 26, 2011,
There are two Latin cultural groups that really do not have to worry about the immigration issue as much as the other Latin groups: Puerto Ricans and Cubans. Cubans receive a unique amnesty privilege along with one year of government entitlements via the Cuban Adjustment Act. And, under the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans are automatically U.S. citizens.
One of the strongest immigration advocates in our nation today is not a man of the cloth or the evangelical leader of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC); (D-IL) Congressman Luis Gutierrez who recently finished a 25 city tour promoting sensible immigration ideas. Gutierrez is of Puerto-Rican descent and well-liked by most Latinos across the nation because he has fought his own party in holding them accountable towards legal immigration reform. So why isn’t the conservative Reverend Samuel Rodriguez holding Senator Marco Rubio accountable for his anti-immigrant views? In fact, Rodriguez is the leader of the NHCLC.
Like Gutierrez, Rodriguez is also of Puerto-Rican descent; however, I find it odd that there are little national Mexican-American clergy leaders to be found when those of Mexican descent account for almost 70% of the Hispanic population pie. I am glad to see leading evangelical Hispanic leadership, though I believe leadership also needs to come from the community that is being hurt and affected the most regarding immigration.
There is a strong need for Mexican-American emerging voices.
In the old days, members of the clergy were the ones who committed themselves into being the sacrificial lambs in the fight for social justice, as was the case with Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was jailed numerous times. These days things have reversed as we are witnessing politicians and US representatives getting jailed for social justice.
I have to wonder why Rev. Rodriguez has not issued a statement with regard to President Obama’s small step in the right direction – specifically with regard to the small amount of deportation relief of 300,000 who are currently in deportation proceedings. I’m sure the family members of at least 300,000 are appreciative for the relief, specifically as it relates to the non-criminal element of the undocumented.
The goal right now is to be hawkish and look for politicians who are brave enough to support pro-immigration related issues when the public has been misinformed by the likes of Senator Rubio. We should be quick to reward any and all politicians who make small steps toward immigration reform. Latinos for legal immigration should send a clear and consistent signal to politicians that we will provide political covering to those who support DREAM or comprehensive legal immigration.
We were appreciative to learn that on June 28, 2001, Samuel Rodriguez wrote a letter in support of the DREAM Act. However, on August 4th, 2011, Rev. Rodriguez suggested to the Christian Post that Rubio ought to run as 2012 Vice President. We are unsure whether or not Sam knows about Rubio’s anti-immigrant history, but we hope to clarify to him that Rubio embraced Arizona’s harsh anti-immigrant law (SB 1070), opposes the DREAM Act, and supports Rep. Lamar Smith’s enforcement only policies. It was my view that members of the clergy were to be no ‘respecter of persons’ which is why we are disappointed in Reverend Rodriguez. We believe that promoting Rubio parallels the Trojan Horse trick.
While we cannot really say undocumented immigrants are slaves or legally forced into labor here in the United States, the immigration issue is still an important economic one. Not enough has been said that immigrants have helped to contribute to the American economy. Legal immigration will dump millions in tax revenues and increase the American standard of living.
I am not religious nor am I anything like Moses, but it seems to me that evangelical leadership should come from those who are affected the most. I believe leaders of Mexican descent and/or other Latin groups who do not benefit from unique amnesty or automatic citizenship need to rise up because they are the ones who are most affected and we need their compassionate understanding.
Why did the YHWH, the God of Israel use Moses? According to Jewish scripture, Moses was raised by Egyptians, yet he still had compassion for his people. His compassion was so great that he could not bear to see them beaten by Pharaoh’s taskmasters. One day, Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave and he was so outraged that he struck and killed the Egyptian forcing him to flee from Egypt. Perhaps Moses struck the oppressor because he had more compassion for his people.
Reverend Rodriguez should recant his support for Rubio or else hand his mantle to an emerging Mexican-American leader who empathizes with the pain of most Mexicans who are getting deported. We encourage Reverend Rodriguez to carry out his due diligence before promoting anymore anti-immigrant politicians. Holding immigration summits in various parts of the nation mean very little when the leader is promoting oppressive politicians.
Tucson protest against Rev. Samuel Rodriguez for supporting anti-immigrant Sen. Marco Rubio for VEEP
by DeeDee Garcia on Sep. 20, 2011, under Latino Get Out the Vote for 2012, Secure Borders and Reasonable Immigration Solution, Tequila Party Movement, The Nativist Anti-immigrant Movement
We recently spoke to National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) Executive Director, Efraim Pineda, about our disappointment in Reverend Sam Rodriguez for suggesting that Sen. Marco Rubio would be a better idea as a 2012 Vice Presidential Candidate. Clearly it appears Rodriguez supports Rubio as Vice Presidential material and we view his statement as an endorsement. Pineda advised us against the protest, and we told him we would stop the protest if we had written clarification that Rodriguez would stop supporting anti-immigrant politicians. Pineda assured us that this would be “fixed” and clarified, but it was not.
We received a call from the publicist of the NHCLC where she suggested the President of the Tequila Party pray with her to accept Christ into her heart, but in the same breath she threatened to fight her with 125 lawyers if the protest at the Immigration Summit continued on 21 September 2011.
The National Tequila Party Movement will be protesting Reverend Samuel Rodriguez.
WHEN: Wednesday, 21 September 2011
TIME: 7:00 pm
WHERE: New Life Church of God, 330 West Nebraska Street, Tucson, Arizona 85706.
*UNIVISION will be there to expose the protest. Other film makers doing documentary at
Since when do so called immigration advocates support politicians who are anti-immigrant? Does God support the suffering of others? How can one say they are “Christian” and support people who support suffering and bigotry? It’s hypocrisy.
It started with one article from the Christian Post (see below). When evangelical leaders discovered we were going to protest Reverend Samuel Rodriguez, they wanted us to reconsider and not protest. I explained to the Arizona evangelical leader that it is inappropriate for Rodriguez to suggest Marco Rubio as a VEEP to win Latinos to GOP side. That is preposterous particularly when Rubio is one of the worst anti-immigrant politicians who is just as bad as Lamar Smith!
I was told that Rodriguez was an immigration advocate, but I retorted by saying Rodriguez should not suggest ANY anti-immigration Senators like Rubio for VEEP.
This is ludicrous. Just because a politician is brown does not mean that we should support them because they have a Hispanic last name. We don’t care if you are white, brown, black, purple or yellow…..what we care about is whether or not you are for the poor, the fight for humane social justice and helping the defenseless immigrants who are afraid.
Rodriguez is giving us double-speak. He must choose a side. He needs to stop suggesting that Marco Rubio is a good signal for Hispanics to support the GOP because he needs to remember that Rubio supported Arizona’s harsh anti-immigrant law, Rubio does not support the DREAM Act, and now Rubio is supporting Lamar Smith’s enforcement only policy and large government bureaucracy via national e-verify. It’s hypocrisy!
Just because Rodriguez is a “minister of God” does not mean we will not protest the double speak we see him giving. Heck, Jesus Christ had to protest the Saducees and the Pharisees, in fact, in a rage He went into the Jewish Temple and flipped over tables because of the hypocrisy he saw there.
I believe Sam Rodriguez does not feel the pain we feel….(those of us who are of Mexican-descent). After all…most of the undocumented immigrants getting deported are of Mexican descent, aren’t they? Where is the Mexican leadership at? Those of Mexican descent make up almost 70% of the total Hispanic population pie. Could it be that Rev. Rodriguez, of Puerto Rican descent not really feel what we are feeling? We all know that Puerto Ricans receive automatic citizenship. Why business does Rodriguez have suggesting Rubio as VEEP? Doesn’t Rodriguez know about the Cuban amnesty under the Cuban Adjustment Act? This is why we believe Rubio doesn’t have to worry about the Mexican problem because he is of Cuban descent. Rubio takes an anti-immigrant stance against Mexicans and other Latin groups who dont’ get privileged amnesty, yet the Cuban immigrants in Florida are safe as they receive their amnesty along with government benefits via tax payers for at least one year.
Efraim Pineda (Executive Director) said they would fix this via an official statement. In fact, he didn’t even know about the Christian Post article until I emailed it to him. We gave the NHCLC an opportunity to explain, and instead the publicist reminded me that they have 125 lawyers ready to sue me. That’s pretty “Christian” of them, isn’t it?
The Christian Post > Politics|Thu, Aug. 04 2011 02:00 PM EDT
Hispanics Want Immigration Reform, Marco Rubio in 2012
By Stephanie Samuel | Christian Post Reporter
He said Republicans must send Hispanics a stronger signal that they want Hispanic support. One example of such a signal would be a public appeal, an apology, or better yet, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as the vice presidential nominee on the 2012 ticket.
“If they could put Marco Rubio on that ticket as the VP candidate, it wouldn’t take away the angst or the anger, it wouldn’t squelch Alabama, Georgia and Arizona, but it would convey a message and that message is very powerful.”
Read entire article here.
Fidel "Butch" Montoya is Director of H. S. Power and Light Ministries - Latino Faith Initiative.
Served as Vice President/News Director of KUSA - TV Channel 9 News from 1985-1990, and worked at the news station for 24 years as a journalist.
Served as Deputy Mayor of City and County of Denver from 1995-1999; and in law enforcement as the Manager of Public Safety, responsible for the Denver Police Department, Denver Fire Department, and Denver Sheriff Department for the City and County of Denver from 1994-2000.
Licensed to preach in 1972.
Serves on the Executive Council for the Hispanic Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
Founding member of the Latino Ministerial Alliance in Greater Metro Denver.